Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Newborn Shoot

(written 5-27-14)

Today my husband did his first newborn shoot!!!  It was a lot of fun, turned out great! But what a tease!!! Holding and snuggling a precious 2 week old baby <3  I want one of my own!  I want to snuggle it and feed it and take pictures of it!!!

Timothy Capp Photography

Awe, baby fever so, so very bad! Hitting me hard!!!  Gah!  I want a baby!!!

Monday, May 26, 2014

The Decision Has Been Made!

(written: 5-26-14)

It's been a couple of months now since my husband and I decided to start trying for a baby.  We wrote out a pros and cons list, we took some time to think it over, Timothy has been wanting a baby for a while, and I caught baby fever once we made our move to Florida and settled into our own place.  We decided we want to have kids, so it will happen eventually, why not sooner?

We took out my IUD a couple of months ago. First month I think I had withdrawals from the hormones.  I ovulated on time and I started my next period when the ovulation charts predicted I would.
Then, my body played a really mean trick on us.

My period was 5 days late.  The pregnancy tests were reading negative, but we did everything right...  not that month.

This is giving us more time to think and prepare though.  I'm scared of the changes that come with a baby, from the pregnancy to the birth - the changes that will occur in my body - and the change of livelihood when the child comes: less sleep, work schedules? Time off?

The excitement, the butterfly-like fears, the baby fever... I want a baby so bad!