My pregnancy is old enough to drink! Laugh out loud, yes, I'm just joking!
Baby is about the size of a carrot this week, about ten and a half inches from head to toe. He can taste the amniotic fluid around him and is practicing swallowing and other out-of-the-womb necessities. The amniotic fluid is flavored by the food I'm eating (according to so I should start eating things that I want him to like: carrots, salad, healthy things!
My belly feels tighter, I'm having cramp like pains in my lower abdomen and up my sides.
I'm so sleepy, I slept for almost fourteen hours last night - minus the tossing and turning and being woken up by hubby coming to bed - when I woke up it felt like I got a really crappy nap in, not a full night's rest.
At the same time, I have little bursts of energy! I can clean and play with hubby, I feel so accomplished and I get so much done. ... Until the burst is gone.
I still get dizzy from time to time. After I've been standing for a few hours especially. I've also noticed that my body is not circulating blood as efficiently as it's been in the past.
Also, I'm bitchy. Not even grumpy just flat out bitchy - I have a problem with everything and it's becoming harder to please me. The last wedding we were working I kept checking in with hubby to ask: "Is it okay to be mad about this, or am I over reacting?"
It's awesome being able to feel our little man moving around in there. A sign that I'm not just getting fat, but that I actually truly do have a little someone in there.
Names are "fun" to come up with. Actually it's the middle name we're having issues with. Hubby loves a name I'm not to keen on, and I don't like a whole lot of boy's names. So we weed out the ones hubby doesn't like from the ones I'm okay with and our list is empty.
We don't have anything ready for baby when he gets here! No car seat, no crib or bassinet, no bouncer, no diapers, no clothes, no toys, nothing! Well, we have a package of baby wipes... that's it! I'm not even sure where we're going to put the stuff once we start collecting it!? I went though a little bit of nesting and cleaned most of our condo... but then daddy got all his toys out, and daddy hasn't learned to put things away yet. So the place is... trashed. The mess could also be due to the fact that we've had a crazy busy week and haven't been home with the energy to do anything for a while. Three weddings in eight days - the weather has gotten cooler and wedding season has picked up!