Saturday, January 24, 2015

Cloth Diapers...

My investigation into cloth diapers (cds).... What will I find!?!?
(This is a totally informal look into cds. The things I read & videos I watched are all listed at the bottom of the page. Everything else is just my thoughts on things as I go through the info!)
(P.S. sorry if this post is a little jumbled, I'm writing this in my 3rd trimester and it has caused quite a scattered brain!)

We started looking into cds because they seem the most economical. We've heard so many parents talk about the money they save on diapers, even with the initial cost being pretty high. I've also heard some moms talk about how they start an addiction to them, getting cute prints, but it's all up to who the parents are. There are many different types or styles of cds.

Pocket diapers are suggested to be the best because they keep the waste off of baby pretty well.  What I don't really like about them is that you have to take them apart to wash them.

There are all-in-ones (commonly referred to as AIOs)  that are like disposable diapers in that they are just one piece. I love the idea of that, though it sounds like they are harder to clean, or rather to dry and they are more expensive for the convenience.

A Mama Shared This With Me: A Basic Run Down of Four Styles 
Pre-folds seem to be awesome in the newborn stage and can be used as liners or inserts in the pocket diapers (also as burp rags and cloth wipes.) They seem to last the longest, as in they can be used in many stages throughout baby life.

I don't like the idea of a big bulky diaper... there are different inserts that are thinner and can manage a smaller look, but in general, cds are bulky. Also, size! Making sure a newborn is in newborn size and so on and so forth will change how bulky the diaper looks and how bulky it truly is for baby.

So, I've never been in a situation where I've used cds before (with the exception of one babysitting job.) I've never had to wash cds before or fold them or (really) change a baby in a cd. Not only are there several types of diapers, but there are also different folds and cleaning practices. The best advice I'm hearing is to get or borrow (from other cd moms or there are trade groups in some areas) different types of cds and see which ones work best for you, baby, and the family lifestyle - this is not for everyone.

Some wash all their cds by hand and hang dry. Some clean their cds with a 'special' wash cycle, a 'special' detergent, and hang dry them. Some use an extra rinse cycle, use their regular detergent, and tumble dry in the dryer (no fabric softener - it causes the fabric to repel liquids, which causes leaks.) Some wash every day and some wash after about three days. It's all dependent on the cd that is being used and how lazy the user is I suppose. Personally, I would probably be one of the lazier users.

From all the articles and web sites I've read, from the youtube videos I've watched, from talking to parents who cd, and from talking to hubby, I think I've (we've) reached a conclusion for our family. I think we're going to give this whole cd-ing thing a try. We'll probably start with pre-folds while he's an infant and test out other options as Dexter gets older. I'm excited to start collecting my stash! Hubby isn't as thrilled as I am, he's not looking forward to the dirty laundry (which I don't even expect him to do or really be a part of. So I'm not sure why that's on his mind?)

We'll see how this works out!

Fluff Love University (educational website) (-lots of information!-)
The Different types of Cloth Diapers (blog)
Cloth Diapering Girls vs. Boys UNWRAPPED (4 min youtube video)
Types of Cloth Diapers (and how to use them) (22 min youtube video)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon: an awesome, hilarious Broadway play. Written by the writers of South Park. It was amazing hilarity! Hubby and I had a hard time staying in our seats we were laughing so hard, so much!

It's a musical: so many great songs, memorable lines, and new sayings that hubby and I will be quoting a lot!

I don't want to give anything away (because it's an absolute must see) but I want to share the parts we loved:
- The intro song 'Hello' (above) it's been playing on a loop in our heads and we sang / hummed it all the way home.
- "Hasa Diga Eebowai" I loved it!
- The 'hell dream' we loved it!
- and the ending, which I was not expecting at all! Hubby saw it coming though.

Oh it was so great! The tickets were expensive (& we spoiled ourselves with some candy from the performing arts center,) but that made it even more perfect for our 'big bang' of a night out before baby gets here (which we've been planning for months!)

Tonight was quite awesome. I so loved spending this time with hubby before our life changes.
I'm so happy he's my hubby! I chose a good one!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

30 Weeks!

Oh my goodness!  We're already in week 30!!  Where has the time gone!? The days are just flying by!

Dexter has gotten so big for my belly! He's been able to wake me up a few times from wiggling around. Usually when I wake up it feels like he's tap dancing on whatever side I'm laying on! I've been taking time randomly though out the day to lay back and just watch him move around.  He's gotten stronger and larger, I can see my belly move and I imagine the somersaults he must be doing in there!

Little baby Dexter is now right around three pounds and six-teen inches from head to toe! His eye sight is continuing to develop - he can respond to light and is packing on fat cells.  His brain is also continuing to develop!

I got the baby registry pretty much put together on Amazon so that I could get our online baby shower going and have some fun!

"baby registry"
The registry is not one hundred percent complete yet... we've decided to go with cloth diapers and I have no clue where to begin on those or which ones will work best for us. Our minds were swayed by a mom's group that convinced us that it will be more economical in the long run. So for now the thought is to go with disposal diapers till Dexter gets to the usual ten pound limit for the cloth diapers then transition into cloth diapers. Only using disposable when we're out and about so we don't have to carry around dirty cloth diapers in a bag.

I think I'm going to pull all of my thoughts and research together on another post. Keep it all together in one place!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

I'm an anti-theist.

Lately I've been getting the question 'why do you' or 'what caused you' '-to believe that?'  Some even have the audacity to claim that my husband has 'brain-washed' me into thinking the way I do. So. Let me set the record straight and answer those questions with my de-conversion story:

I was an avid christian growing up. I insisted, by the age of five, that my parents take me to church. We went to a Lutheran church and I attended the private school there until I was in the second grade. I then moved to public schools where, for a good year, I was bullied and beat up. My parents took me to karate lessons, but I never harmed my bullies. I believed that Jesus wanted me to turn the other cheek, so the bullies continued and I did nothing to stop them.

I did not question anything about my faith until I got to high school. To me my faith in god, Jesus, and the holy spirit were solid and unchanging as I believed the trinity to be. However, a friend from middle school had asked me some questions (ones that I no longer specifically remember) about my faith that I didn't have answers for. Questions that lingered in my mind unanswered. To find the answers I joined a youth group, a high school campus group, and continued going to church, a community church in the area, protestant.

Unfortunately, I was molested by one of the guys in the campus group that I thought was a friend. This experience taught me a few things though. It taught me that friends cannot be trusted - the guy that touched me or the people I thought would help me through who turned their back on me.  It also taught me, through my parents reaction, that sexuality is a bad thing. This thing is 'special' for marriage and should not be explored other wise. If it was explored I would have consequences enforced upon me.

This is when I started getting my own questions about god, people, society, how the world 'really' worked. (Again, I don't quite remember the specific questions.) I dove into the bible face first - that's where I thought all the answers would be found. According to my faith, I believed god would walk me through this. I was never alone. All things are possible with god.

Before I got out of high school there were some traumatic events that happened within my parent's relationship. By my mother's previous requests I will not go into much detail about them, out of respect for the ideal of privacy. However, I did learn from them. I realized that I don't agree. I do not agree with their parenting styles nor do I agree with their relationship as a whole. I started questioning everything in my mind, but I never asked anything. I was afraid to.

I started community college where I joined a baptist bible study group. I felt like my faith was solid again. I still didn't have answers to all my questions, but I felt it wasn't that important to pursue the answers at the time. People from the baptist group got together in hung out in the common area of the school where others would join us. Many people joined in our conversations to ask questions about god. One guy in particular was a 'science geek' and posed some really hard questions then pulled out scientific articles to back up what he was saying. Though, he would also follow some of us around and wouldn't talk about anything else. It bugged me that he was putting seeds of doubt into my faith again.

My time at community college was fun though. It gave me time to recollect myself for the most part and have open conversations about everything! Though I will admit, faith was my favorite topic when that 'science geek' wasn't around. I made a muslim friend while I was there and I got into a relationship with a guy that was 'spiritual.' We had lots of thought provoking conversations about faith and became best friends in the process. It did bother my christian 'morals' to be in a relationship with him.

I moved to a christian university for my last two years of schooling before a had a bachelor of arts degree. I chose a christian university because (well, for a ton of reasons, but also) I wanted to keep my faith, I wanted to be immersed in it. I was too!

Christian history was a required class at the university, I had taken a couple world religion, and new testament courses at the community college. All the classes at the university were taught by christians and everything that happened on campus was tied back to the faith. The university itself was founded in the quaker denomination. I had many conversations with various professors, took elective classes in religious studies, and had many conversations with many believing friends so that I could get all the information I could on god's character and the christian faith. I felt like god and I had been though so much together that there was no way I could ever turn my back on him or doubt his existence. He had 'proven' himself time and time again.

At the end of 2011 my grandmother passed away. I was heart broken: she had cared for me many years when I was younger, going to elementary school and my mother was working. I hold many fond memories of being with her. Soon after I broke up with my 'spiritual' guy. We had been talking about marriage though the strain on our relationship from me being away at school in combination with me feeling disrespected caused an end to that. In my small college town I rode my bike to work and school, a few weeks after we broke up this is what I was doing when I was hit by a truck.  I was scatter brained and in a bit of shock after the event and my tire was bent. I was so happy to be alive and mostly unharmed! I attributed that luck to god, thinking there must be a reason he kept me alive. The elation of the accident caused a 'miss-communication' between me and a coworker. I was raped. I has said no, but he was already in my apartment, no one else was around and he wasn't respecting that I was repeating over and over that I din't want that. I had no idea what to do or how to stop it from happening - it was already set in motion and it happened. That was in the beginning of 2012.

'How could you let that happen again?' was a response when I was looking for support and help. It became obvious to me that I needed more help than friends or family could give. I searched for this god I had so much faith in to help me through. I went to counseling provided by my university (christian based.) If none of that helped I had a plan: my roommate at the time was hardly ever around. She had some medical conditions that caused her to have a lot of medications. 'I could probably just go in and, to her loss, take all the meds (pain killers included) in the apartment. While the medical field is pretty awesome, I'm sure it would be hours until anyone found me or noticed me missing and by then I'd be long gone.'

I made the decision to stay at the university and around people as much as I could for my own safety. I told the counselor I was seeing that I had made this decision and she made me feel good about it. 'It showed that I have an interest in being alive and that I knew and took responsibility for taking care of myself.' I was really proud of that. God wasn't doing that for me, I was making the decision myself. That was new to me.

It was summer break and I had one more semester until I graduated in December of 2012. A lot had happened. I had felt myself move away from christian faith and I felt a need to find myself. I lived with my grandfather that summer and tried a lot of new things. I got my first tattoo - my body had been violated, I wanted to reclaim it as my own. I read a couple of books about Taoism and living in the moment that brought a lot of peace to my mind. Going back to the university: I had a lot of  peace about life. I still held the christian faith, but fairly loosely: it was 'common sense' in my mind, the only way to get salvation.

Got through that last semester and I put a profile on a dating site the last few weeks there. Honestly I was procrastinating from packing and I wanted to get some new life experiences meeting people. I had a lot of fun and my best friend helped with that. I started talking to (my now) husband on that site. When I met him he was a catholic. We started having serious conversations about (life & everything, but also about) faith after I moved in with him.

We started watching debates between christians and atheists (to answer questions we both had or had different opinions about.) I felt really frustrated that the atheists always made more logical sense in their arguments. I eventually I was left with just a few questions. Some had been posed to me before, but now they had really sunk in and I needed to answer them for myself. The most prominent:

Why was it so important to me that there is a god?
After studying psychology and learning to step out side of situations to look at things objectively, I took a step beside myself to answer this question. I found the answer: control. I needed control of the situations I went through. I need control of the past, present, and future. I needed control over the things I felt I had no control over. I attributed that to god, to a higher power, to a supernatural omniscient, omnipotent being. One that I could pray to and leave all my cares behind. I was controlling my world through having an all powerful being. If I let go of god, I will not have control anymore.

It took a while.

'Atheist' was a dirty word though. I honestly thought that atheism was a group of extremely 'evil' people. I didn't want that to be what people thought of me. It all finally sunk in. I didn't need to hold control of everything surrounding me. That includes what people think of me. Took me just over twenty years, but welcome to reality!

I'm an atheist: there is no proof of the super natural and I don't need it in my life.


The transition into atheism has been quite a journey for me. Not talking to myself on a regular basis ('praying') was weird to me. Though, I actually found most of it to be quite freeing! Which I didn't expect. I didn't even know how I really felt about god until I realized he was non-existent! I don't have this 'great father' in the sky constantly watching over me, judging me, causing me to worry if I'm good enough for him or doing the right thing. When I donate money or my time to a cause now it's not because I want god to 'smile down on me,' but because I genuinely care and believe in the cause. I don't spend hours of my time worrying about people's spiritual lives and feeling guilty for not talking to them about 'the good word.' Now the only thing I worry about is if I'm being a decent person to those around me (and when I fail at that I have to put my big girl panties on and own up to it - there's no more brushing things off to god: 'sorry I sinned, forgive me.')

However, coming to this realization has made me painfully more aware than I ever was before at how harmful religion is! Just take a look into any history book, you'll find that almost every war that ever was, began with it's roots in religion. (Take the crusades for example!) This is still affecting us today, in 2015, with the war against the middle east.

Not only are politics and wars being affected by this but children everywhere are growing up in an environment of religion. Being taught the hate that is found in all religious texts, living their life thinking they need to appease some god. It's heart breaking!!!

Look at all the damage religion has done for humanity! It causes so much harm. I honestly really wish religion wasn't a thing.

This is why (at least in part) I now strongly believe that religion not only needs to be discussed and talked about but also questioned and at times mocked. Religion is an idea that has caused death throughout the centuries.

I live in America where we have a freedom of speech, separation of church and state! These two, unfortunately, seem more like ideals than actual constitutional rights sometimes because America is over populated with a majority of christians (and other religious groups.) They want to impose their beliefs into our laws. Take scientific findings (ex. evolution) out of our schools.

Honestly, for everyone's sake, I hope we can all take a step into reality someday soon.  I hope we can all find the peace that comes with knowing there is no god. I hope that someday there is no religion to oppress us, stop us from moving forward in scientific fields, or hold us (humanity as a whole) back in any other way.

(Sadly, I don't think this will happen in my life time.)

Monday, January 5, 2015

Hospital Visit!!!

(Perhaps a TMI post...)

Happy new year Dexter!

This is the year that you're going to be born, we started the new year in a new trimester - the last - at twenty-eight weeks into pregnancy. Your dad and I are incredibly excited to meet you! Since you're not here yet... your dad & I wanted to bring the new year in with a bang! (Or six or seven bangs!) After all, when you get here we anticipate you taking most if not all of our time, energy, and willingness to do much of anything else but coo and awe over you while we take care of your adorable baby needs.

Come to find out: there is such a thing as too much banging.

We went to the hospital at midnight on the third day of the new year, after calling the doctor & asking for advice from other parents. I started bleeding. We got worried that the placenta had moved to the wrong place, that the mucous plug had started coming out, or perhaps labor was starting early! When I called the doctor the bleeding seemed to be stopping. She said to just rest and keep an eye on it, but to go to the hospital if it started up again. So midnight hospital adventure it was!

Your dad and I had been to the doctor's office a dozen times by now and the hospital shared a parking lot, but we had never gone into the hospital before now. It was so late most of the entrances were closed, we had to walk all the way around the building to find an open door. We went up to the fifth floor - the labor and delivery area. We had to fill out paperwork before we could see anyone, then the nurse brought us back to an exam room. Another nurse came in and asked all the questions that were on the paperwork and when the emergency doctor came in she went over them again! The are very through I suppose.

The nurse strapped a heart monitor to my belly to monitor your heart rate and another piece of equipment to catch any contractions I might be having. We got to listen to your heart beat away and we could hear all your wiggles and squirms while we waited for the doctor. When the doctor came in she told us she ordered an ultra sound, some blood work, and some other testing to make sure everything was okay.

A nurse came in with a wheelchair and pushed me to the ultra sound room - first time I was pushed around in a wheel chair at a hospital!  (And because it was so late or early in the morning, hardly anyone was in the hospital and half of the lights were turned off. It made me feel like your dad and I were just dropped into a zombie movie!) The ultra sound technician put warm goopie stuff all over my belly: we got to see you and how much you had grown since the last ultra sound (that we thought was going to be our last.) She took some measurements, we got to see your bones, your newly added chubbiness, and at one point your face! You were breech - your head in my ribs - when we peeked in on you. She said that everything looked okay, the placenta was in the right spot, there was a good amount of amniotic fluid, and you have plenty of time to turn around before labor.

Back up in the exam room a nurse came in to draw my blood and the doctor came in to look at my cervix - that's always uncomfortable. She came to the conclusion that everything was fine though! When she looked at my cervix she had your dad look too.  She pointed out where you would come out and what was causing the bleeding. Apparently I have a vascular cervix and we had broken a vein which caused it to look like I was starting my period. She wanted us to wait for the blood & other tests to come back just to make sure everything else was okay, which everything was, and then we were free to go!

Doctors orders: no more banging till the next doctor visit - four days away - so that my body would have time to heal.