Saturday, June 14, 2014

Not fair :(

(Written June 13th, 2014)

I know so many people who have oopsie babies or just once babies.  I'm trying and can't get knocked up!?!?!?  This is stupid.  I got a negative test this morning, my hubby didn't want to wait till father's day so he kinda twisted my arm till I gave in lol (it wasn't too hard to convince me.)

My body is so mean, playin tricks on me.   Last month my period was almost a week late, this month I get odd cravings and dizziness.  Maybe I'm just wanting it so much it's getting to my head? It makes me so sad to see a negative test every month.

At the same time, during this testing time each month I'm hoping and wishing the test is positive, that's all I want.... or it could be negative, maybe that's better, I don't know that I'm ready for a baby!?!?!  Even with that in mind, it's not relieving to have a negative test, IT'S SO VERY AGGRAVATING!!!!  :(

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Here's hoping!

(Written June 10th, 2014)

Today I wanted/ obsessed about raspberry sherbert with chocolate syrup and salt.  I thought about it for a couple of hours, telling myself that that was gross, but I had to try it... and I loved it!

And I ate, and ate, and ate.  I was so hungry today!

Plus I had cramps in my lower abdomin.  Not bad cramps, just... cramps.

Other symptoms: Dizzy spells, mostly at work when I'm on my feet for hours at a time.  Nausea, I think this is due to the room spinning around.  Headaches.  The need for sweet & salty... isn't that a pms thing though?

Maybe I'm just pmsing, that would be disappointing.

We test on June 15th: Father's day!  How appropriate!

Friday, June 6, 2014


(written June 6th, 2014)

I felt so sick this morning.  I hope this is the month!  I want a baby!!!!  <3 <3 <3

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

This Month?

(Written June 4, 2014)

Hubby thinks it's gonna happen this month.  I just don't want to get my hopes up.  This is only the third month we've tried.  My husband says that we've done everything right: we tracked my ovulation day, got a positive ovulation test, made lots of love to each other <3

Father's Day is the day before my next period is predicted so we could potentially get a positive pregnancy test then! :)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Grown Up

(Written 06-01-2014)
(edging on TMI in this post)

Today is the first day of June.  Today I've been married to the man of my dreams and my best friend for three weeks exactly <3 Today I'm feeling all grown up.

I'm married.  That's grown up like.  As husband and wife we share a bank account and pieces of plastic. That's grown up like.  I have a job, my husband has a job. My husband and I got up early today for his job, and both of us will be out late for our jobs.  That's grown up like.  We have a beautiful place to live (a bike ride away from the beach) ;) which means we have rent and other bills to pay.  That's definitely grown up like. We have an adorable puppy to take care of that is still in training at eight months old.  That's grown up like.

What really makes me feel grown up is attempting to create a life with my best friend.  Trying to combine our DNA's in to one living being. Wow. That would be amazing!

I found the pro's and con's list that we made up.  We rated everything after we thought it up too.  Most of it is in my shorthand...

New friends.  Fulfilling love.  Fun (current) activities.  Cute baby.  New (kid) activities.  becoming a parent / teacher, satisfaction / pride, teaching.  Pictures.  Purpose.  Good for our puppy.  Strengthen us.  Motivation to be better.  School activities.  Entertainment. Boob job.  Happy family.  Starting our family unit.  Buying things for the kid.  Cuddles.  Feeding.  Young parents.  Retire from parenting earlier.  Health benefits.  Con's off set.  Baby book / build a bear.  Want / need.  We can do it.  Most Con's don't start till birth.  Nest.  Medicaid.  Christmas / holidays will be better.  Watching the other be a parent.  Tax credit.
Pro's rating total: 171

Childbirth.  Body changes.  Free time change.  Finances: Housing, food, school, extra activities, living supplies, a lower income, misc.  Spontaneity.  Family opinions.  Babysitters.  Change relationship.  Pregnancy.  More complicated wedding (no longer a problem, but it was when we wrote this.)  Pains: annoying, smell (diapers), lack of sleep, Dr. trips, feeding, messy house.  More dishes.  Six months of my husband.  Postpartum.  Less flexible.  Done.
Con's rating total: 104

We decided after making this that we both really want to have a child someday.  Our lives would be unfulfilled if that never happened.  So having a child is going to happen between us someday.  Why not now?

Oh! I want a baby so bad!!!