Thursday, September 4, 2014

Head Pains :(

The day after we got back from NC I woke up with a headache, that has only gotten worse. I think yesterday it turned into a migraine, being sensitive to light and noise.  I'm hoping I'm getting over it soon. I'm to tears it hurts so very bad. (Though I am something of a cry baby so my tears don't mean much to me.)

I did go to the doctor's on the 2nd.  (A couple of days ago) I had to go in because the pap smear results came back abnormal. They wanted to look at my cervix for anything abnormal or potentially harmful for the baby.  I forget what the procedure was called, but the sprayed vinegar on my cervix and looked for discoloration, lesions, or abnormal growths.  No cancer! They were vague about what they saw. Basically I'm not normal but there's nothing that is concerning.  They will just want to look at my cervix again after birth.

While we were at the doctor we went over to the lab for some testing.  They took blood, the second time this pregnancy.  I cried both times.  The lady that drew my blood this time... wasn't as nice as the first one.  The first lady gave me stickers.  This lady had a heavy Russian accent that was frustrating to understand.  She was laughing at or with my hubby and me for crying.  She kept calling me a little girl.  She said that the old people don't cry little girl.  When one of her co-workers came over she said look at the little girl. She's crying. Ugh. It was so unprofessional haha.  People taking my blood, the thought of needles drawing blood out of me, the sight of my blood filling tubes, and feeling my arm goes through while its happening just makes me cry.  Not even a loud or blubbering cry, just a few quiet tears rolling down my cheek while I try not to think about it cry. Okay!?

Having been to the Dr. while this headache was in progress though makes me think that everything but my cervix is normal.  Its just painful and causing me not to do anything but lay down and wish I were sleeping.  Seriously, the only thing I've been doing since I got back from NC is laying on the couch and playing games.  If my loving husband hadn't been bringing me food and drinks and bowing down to my whines and sobs, I'd be shriveled up on the couch dying.

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