Friday, September 19, 2014


Day after the four car collision.

I had a doctor appointment scheduled months before this happened and it just happened to land on a day after a car wreck.  When we got into the patient room with the nurse one of the first things that came out of Hubby's and my mouth was: we were in a car accident yesterday and I need a complete check over.  Which the doctor kindly did. As an added bonus she let us listen to the baby's heart beat -baby also kicked, which was audible! Over all everything was okay.  No injuries, baby sounded fine and healthy, all my questions were answered, and an appointment was made for a 17 week check up.  (I'm at 13 weeks and 4 days now.)
After hubby submitted the insurance claim online we got a call from the insurance company.  We gave her our story and she told us that she's just waiting to hear from person 1 who has the same insurance company so that we can move toward fixing our bumper!

I really hope that person 1 wasn't injured too badly, and I feel real bad for person 2 who's car was sandwiched hard, maybe totaled.  Person 2 had mentioned that she had only got the car a year ago and it was her baby.  It was certainly not drive-able after that collision though.  Person 3 just had his bumper smashed, but both of them have to wait for paperwork before anything with their car gets paid for.

I got the impression that person 2 (who I mentioned works at a law firm) was going to take this to court.  Which brought up talk of being subpoenaed, I really don't like the idea of going to court.

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