Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Nothing New

Same ol' same ol' here.   Nothing new or too exciting is going on around here.

Been having "morning" sickness: dizziness, nausea (no vomiting), not feeling like i can eat much/ not eating much at one time and therefore eating little snacks throughout the day.  Oh, and I only want sweets.  

Today I am ten weeks and one day into pregnancy.  Looking more and more like a little person every day!

My baby is about the size of a kumquat! <3

a kumquat in relation to a quarter

Soon I will be traveling for the first time during this pregnancy.  (Like really traveling: over an hour away from home.)  I'm excited to be going to North Carolina to help my husband photograph a wedding!

We also have some travel plans around my due date for a wedding... I'm hopping those plans hold up and the baby doesn't have other plans in mind...

Other than that, just continuing on with everyday tasks...

Friday, August 15, 2014

Eight Weeks Five Days!

Today was a big day!

In the car, on the way to the Dr's


Today Daddy and I got to see you for the first time!!!  We were very excited.  Monday was the eight week mark, the last week of the second month.  Today I am eight weeks and five days into this pregnancy and I still can't wrap my mind around it being real, about you being there.

When we woke up this morning the first thing your dad said to me was "We get to see our baby today!"  In that high, squeely voice he does when he's excited.

We couldn't wait to get to the doctor's office. (Yet, we really didn't want to go out either.  It's been raining and thundering all day.  When the time came for us to get out the door it was absolutely poring!  Right now your dad and I live in a condo, second floor.  We had to run down the stairs in the rain to the parking lot where the car is.)

Once we got into the doctor's office we did the routine check ups: urine sample, blood pressure, and weight.  Of course you know your dad and I, very impatiently waiting for the doctor to come in and do the ultra sound. Last thing to do on the list.  The machine was in the room the whole time, on, just staring at us, mocking our wait time.

Nurse checking my blood pressure

Finally, the doctor came in! It was awkward at first, I was half naked and really done with talking and asking or answering questions (that your dad had more of than me.)  I was really ready to see you for the first time!  (... With the slight fear in the back of my head that you weren't really there, that there was something wrong with me...)  Then the doctor grabbed the ultra sound "wand," it already had a condom on it and she put cold, goopy lube on it.  She put the "wand" inside me and we all turned to the screen.

Dr looking at the ultra sound screen
Baby, you look like a jelly bean!

Your dad and I were mesmerized by what she was showing us.  We saw your little heart beating, it was a quick flickering on the screen.  She poked around to see if you were the only one in there: yup, only you!  Then you were measured: you were 19.9 mm long.  She printed a screen shot for us and it was over.  It didn't last long enough, I loved that I could see your little heart beating!

(no sound)

The ultra sound was over.  The appointment finished.  Just needed to get my pants back on and make the next appointment.  Only, I couldn't stop crying.  It started when we first saw you on the screen, the tears swelled up and started falling in big droplets.  I didn't stop crying until we were in the grocery store, half way done with our errands.

Mama's so happy to see you!
Your dad thought this made me very photogenic.

I made your dad set up the next appointment because I couldn't talk.  Baby, this has been the most amazing day!  To see you growing, healthy in my belly, there's not words for how amazing this is.  And no words to tell you how terrifying this is, all the changes we will make for you, everything we will go through together.  Baby, you are going to change my life, your dad's life, your grandparent's lives, everyone that has the pleasure of meeting you will have their life changed in some way from meeting you.

 Though your dad's and my life will be impacted the most.  You are going to be the very most important person in our lives for years to come.  We love you already and we only have an ultra sound picture of you.  We haven't even met you yet.  Yet you are the drive behind our decisions and choices today.  We are so excited to bring you into our life, welcome you to our world!  (Hey, it's the only one we've got.)

We love you baby!  I can't wait to see you again during the next ultra sound and I'm sure your daddy feels the same way.

I love you, Baby!
~ Your Mama

Baby's first picture!
You look like a jelly bean.
(Photos & video by Timothy Capp)

Sunday, August 10, 2014

... so, I'm pregnant.

Ugh! I am so over feeling sick all the time.  I wake up dizzy.  I have to pee every two seconds.  I feel nauseous and don't feel like eating anything (which is really bothering my hubby.)

Apparently I've been really grumpy.  I've been being really annoying too, feeling starving and asking my husband to make something for me, then only eating a bite or two and not touching the rest of it.  I still have a smoothie in the fridge that I had asked hubby to make for me days ago and haven't touched it because it's no longer appealing.

I'm so irritated all the time too.  Seriously, all I want my husband to do is read my mind, bend over backwards, and dote to my every whim.  Is that really so hard!? Of course then there's the hubby who just wants me to stop bitching at him, complaining about everything and not wanting to be touched.

Damn pregnancy is hard.  Especially for an emotional person like me.

I really do appreciate how gracefully my husband is dealing with me.  Running erends when I don't feel good.  Making me salad dressing. Taking care of me.  Making me food, even when I won't eat. Making me smoothies.  He is quite wonderful most of the time.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Happy Birthday, Mama!

I had a great birthday!  First doctor appointment, awesome present from the hubby, a nice meal out, and a long walk around the mall.  Not to mention lots of little surprises from my wonderful husband!

Though, it didn't start out that great.  I was woken up several times last night because the dog was sick and making messes all over our room.  I woke up so pissed and missing sleep, I really didn't like being woken up every half hour to puking and diarrhea noises.

Finally it was time to go to the doctor. It was a long appointment in a new place with new people. I was very happy to have my hubby there to make me feel comfortable.  Started with the scale and a pee test.  Went over medical histories with a nurse and a midwife.  Got lots at paperwork and information along with a nice tote bag, a couple of pens, and some huggie samples, coupons, and prenatal vitamin samples. The last thing they did was a body exam, which everything turned out fine and normal.  Then on our way out we scheduled the next appointment for the 15th... that's when they'll do the first ultra sound!

On the way to the doctors office my husband gave me the first present of the day: a red fez.  Because fezzes are cool!

I didn't wear it into the doctors because I wanted them to take my questions seriously (and I forgot my doctor potato.) But, it did wear it to the restaurant and around the mall.  We got lots of comments on it!

My hubby took me to one of my absolute favorite restaurants, we had an awesome over filling meal, and the we sales around the mall the the restaurant is connected to so we could burn off some of the calories.  I think I experienced my first pregnancy waddle...

We got some tea and my husband got me a smelly candle!  We laid on the mattresses in the bed store. After a little bit we got samples from the food court.  It was nice.

When we got home I was exausted. So I took a nap and the husband ran to the grocery store, because we needed milk.

I woke up an hour later freaking out because he wasn't in bed with me, it took me a moment to realize why. I called him thinking it shouldn't be taking him an hour to grab milk, but he had decided to "make me a surprise!"

When he got home hubby made me a two layered strawberry cake with blueberries cooked in and cream cheese frosting.  He topped it off with sprinkles and recess pieces.

It was a good birthday!  I went to sleep happy.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Thoughts & A Little TMI

These pregnancy symptoms are killing me.   I'm only 7 weeks along, granted most women (that are part of a mommy forum I'm apart of) have it much worse off.  Puking their brains out throughout the day.  Sleeping constantly, only managing to be up about six hours for the whole day!

My Symptoms

I am taking naps, going to bed early, sleeping in as late as I can, and feeling nauseous.  I haven't puked yet!  My tummy does hurt, but it's more of a discomfort than a pain. It just looks like I'm getting fat, but my insides are getting bigger!  I read that my uterus is twice the size as it normally is now: about the size of a large grapefruit.  This bloated, big, fat feeling I could do without!

My bladder is being crushed!  Every literal five minutes I'm in the bathroom peeing again.  Think about it: my uterus has doubled in size, I'm drinking more liquids to stay hydrated, and the is more liquids being produced by my body thanks to hormones to help the baby grow and develop.

Oh the hormones.  They cause major mood swings and cravings.  I swear my husband is looking into some mental help for me: one moment I'm so happy, singing his praises, dancing around the house, feeling fine.  The next moment I'm pissed: he said something in the wrong tone, something was left on the floor, he's making bad smelling food.  Or I'm curled up alone somewhere crying my eyes out because I forgot to do something, I read something scary, worrisome, or sad, could be that something hubby did was nice or sweet.

Mm. Sweet, the cravings.  I want ice cream, candy and chocolate sauce with a tall soda.  Nutella with peanut butter mixed in.  Sugar cookies with cucumbers sliced on top!  That's not healthy.  I need to eat healthy things with folic acid and calcium.  Ugh.  It doesn't help that nausea prevents me from eating. Then that goes away and I'm starving.  SO I get a big plate of yummy, good, healthy food... I get about five bites down before the smell of the food repulses me again.  This makes me sad.  I really love food!

Classic pregnancy craving: sweet & salty

What I Ate Today

I should probably keep track of what I'm eating during this pregnancy, considering I'm mostly craving sweet, candy like things...  hmmm....  I think I started the day of with...
• a bowl of Almond & Oats cereal (about 1 1/2 cups) with 2% milk (about 1 cup)
• 2 chips ahoy cream filled chocolate chip cookies
• sauted mushrooms (about 1/2 a cup) with butter & garlic (about 2 Tbs together)
• a small plate of cucumber slices (maybe a 1/4 cup) with salt and pepper
• a root beer (about 1 cup) float (ice cream: about 1/3 cup) with chocolate sauce (about 2 Tbs)
For dinner my husband was nice enough to make some vegetables
• mashed potatoes & gravy
• broccoli with peanut butter sauce (I've eaten a few pieces) and
• corn with salt & pepper (I ate a few fork fulls)
but I think I ruined dinner with (about 1Tbs) nutella mixed with peanut butter.  ... Then I got nauseous again, and the smell of food was repulsive.
(Hours later I've almost finished the broccoli)
(I'm sorry loving, wonderful Hubby, I do love it when you make me dinner though!)  <3

Tomorrow: August 7th

I am so excited!!!!  I have my first doctor appointment tomorrow!  Just happens to be on my birthday.  I'm very excited for tomorrow, maybe it will finally feel real to me after the appointment.  Not just really bad PMS to a never coming period.  I've had some really bad side cramps, all of a sudden a splitting pain stabbing across my left side.  Then the usual lower abdomen uncomfortableness almost full on cramps.

Oh, then there's the hot cold flashes!  Ugh, I thought that wasn't supposed to happen till menopause.  Is that normal for pregnancies?

I'm horrible.  I torture myself: I was reading some posts about miscarriages. I'm terrified!  If something goes wrong, if everything is normal.  Gah, my mind spins around this at least once a day.  I can't wait to talk to  doctor and have regular check ups to look forward to.  I've had no signs, or reasons to worry about a miscarriage.  No bleeding, not even spotting.  I shouldn't worry myself over this.

Last Thought

On a semi-happier note: I really want a baby shower!  This wouldn't happen till much later in my pregnancy obviously.  But...   Okay, here's the problem: I just moved across the country (just being a year ago come October,) the point is I don't have too many close friends that I would invite to that sort of thing, nor would I know where to begin to throw my own baby shower.

I don't think I'm going to get a baby shower.  I guess it's not mandatory to have a baby shower in order to have a baby.  Right?  Who would throw one for me?  Who would come?  Meh.

Plus a Little TMI
(Seriously, don't read any more unless you want to hear some personal information about me.)

My boobs are soooooo tender and this morning I woke up to red spots around my nipples.  Is that normal?  I don't know what the spots are from or why they showed up...  Lately blood veins have been showing through my skin in my breasts, doesn't really make me feel sexy.  I enjoy sex.  My sex life is awesome.  Hubby is amazing (only to brag a little bit.)  However, I haven't wanted sex since I found out I was pregos.  I haven't felt up to it, or into it.  When (again, I'm in the TMI part of the post) he penetrates me it feels like he hits my cervix every time.  We've tried different positions, but it still feels like every single time he enters me he reaches my cervix and it causes cramps in my lower abdomen.  Not to mention how much making love shakes my stomach up and jiggles my boobs.  Nausea and tender breasts don't make me want to do anything in bed.  The most comfortable position we've found is doggy with two fluffy pillows for me to hug so nothing gets too shaken and he can't reach as deep.

I know, TMI. I warned you!  You didn't have to read that part!

Weird food combinations (weird according to my hubby)

June 11th (not even prego yet)
*Raspberry sherbet with chocolate syrup and salt
*Corn bread and peanut butter
*Marshmallow fluff mixed with peanut butter as a corn chip dip

August 5th
*applesauce with knock off captain crunch
*nutella mixed with peanut butter as a dip for corn chips and cheese crackers

August 6th
*cucumbers with chocolate sauce

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Well... everyone has been told now!  The cat is out of the bag.

First of all, my birthday dinner was awesome, as expected.

Now... let's go over the reactions we've gotten:

Mom's BFF: "I'm not surprised."
Mom's Parent: "Wow... that's all I can say... wow."
Mom's sister: What? *head tilt* what does that mean *goes off of camera*
Mom's co-workers at the time: "WOW!" "That's so exciting!" "Congratulations!" "So do you have names picked out?"

Dad's BFF: no reaction really
Dad's Dad: "I'll reserve my whatever for another time.  Thank you."
Dad's Mom: "Really!? Oh my goodness." (And later on) "I am happy for you!"

Video Reaction of Dad's parent's reaction at the restaurant.

SO... not really the exact reactions we wanted.  We were hoping for more positive reactions.  Though we've gotten lots of happy congratulations online!  These were the reactions we expected though...

Cover Me in Chocolate

Yesterday, I needed chocolate.  Everything sounded good with chocolate: chocolate covered cucumbers, chocolate covered oranges, chocolate covered bananas, chocolate covered carrots, orange juice in a chocolate cup, chocolate covered cereal, chocolate covered mashed potatoes, anything covered in chocolate!  (Mostly cucumbers and oranges though mmmm)

I didn't want to go to the store and get any of these things though.  So I settled for Almond & oats cereal with chocolate almond milk instead.

My husband put together a rather nice birthday dinner for me tonight with his parents and us at a fancy Japanese hibachi restaurant.  It's so adorably cute how excited he is, and to give me the present he got me too!

Dinner tonight will double as an announcement dinner because Hubby's Parents have been actively avoiding this announcement without even knowing it for the past month.  We called them and invited them over when we found out, but they have had an excuse not to come over every weekend.  Finally the other grandparents will find out tonight!

Dear Baby,

While you only look like this right now:
You will be introduced to some of your grandparents tonight.  You're not even showing yet, but will be in about 7 more weeks.  I'm not sure how they will react.  When I told your other grandmother over skype all she could say was wow.  Your aunt was with her, and I'm not sure she quite understood what I was telling them.   We expect your daddy's parents to react.... well, your dad expects them to be a little disappointed, they wanted us to wait longer (three years longer to be exact.)

I assure you baby, you were planed.  Despite what anyone may tell you in the future, your daddy and I planned for you.  We want you very much.  We are very impatient to meet you now.

With love,
Your Mommy <3

(GAH!  That's so weird!)