Sunday, August 10, 2014

... so, I'm pregnant.

Ugh! I am so over feeling sick all the time.  I wake up dizzy.  I have to pee every two seconds.  I feel nauseous and don't feel like eating anything (which is really bothering my hubby.)

Apparently I've been really grumpy.  I've been being really annoying too, feeling starving and asking my husband to make something for me, then only eating a bite or two and not touching the rest of it.  I still have a smoothie in the fridge that I had asked hubby to make for me days ago and haven't touched it because it's no longer appealing.

I'm so irritated all the time too.  Seriously, all I want my husband to do is read my mind, bend over backwards, and dote to my every whim.  Is that really so hard!? Of course then there's the hubby who just wants me to stop bitching at him, complaining about everything and not wanting to be touched.

Damn pregnancy is hard.  Especially for an emotional person like me.

I really do appreciate how gracefully my husband is dealing with me.  Running erends when I don't feel good.  Making me salad dressing. Taking care of me.  Making me food, even when I won't eat. Making me smoothies.  He is quite wonderful most of the time.

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