Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Thoughts & A Little TMI

These pregnancy symptoms are killing me.   I'm only 7 weeks along, granted most women (that are part of a mommy forum I'm apart of) have it much worse off.  Puking their brains out throughout the day.  Sleeping constantly, only managing to be up about six hours for the whole day!

My Symptoms

I am taking naps, going to bed early, sleeping in as late as I can, and feeling nauseous.  I haven't puked yet!  My tummy does hurt, but it's more of a discomfort than a pain. It just looks like I'm getting fat, but my insides are getting bigger!  I read that my uterus is twice the size as it normally is now: about the size of a large grapefruit.  This bloated, big, fat feeling I could do without!

My bladder is being crushed!  Every literal five minutes I'm in the bathroom peeing again.  Think about it: my uterus has doubled in size, I'm drinking more liquids to stay hydrated, and the is more liquids being produced by my body thanks to hormones to help the baby grow and develop.

Oh the hormones.  They cause major mood swings and cravings.  I swear my husband is looking into some mental help for me: one moment I'm so happy, singing his praises, dancing around the house, feeling fine.  The next moment I'm pissed: he said something in the wrong tone, something was left on the floor, he's making bad smelling food.  Or I'm curled up alone somewhere crying my eyes out because I forgot to do something, I read something scary, worrisome, or sad, could be that something hubby did was nice or sweet.

Mm. Sweet, the cravings.  I want ice cream, candy and chocolate sauce with a tall soda.  Nutella with peanut butter mixed in.  Sugar cookies with cucumbers sliced on top!  That's not healthy.  I need to eat healthy things with folic acid and calcium.  Ugh.  It doesn't help that nausea prevents me from eating. Then that goes away and I'm starving.  SO I get a big plate of yummy, good, healthy food... I get about five bites down before the smell of the food repulses me again.  This makes me sad.  I really love food!

Classic pregnancy craving: sweet & salty

What I Ate Today

I should probably keep track of what I'm eating during this pregnancy, considering I'm mostly craving sweet, candy like things...  hmmm....  I think I started the day of with...
• a bowl of Almond & Oats cereal (about 1 1/2 cups) with 2% milk (about 1 cup)
• 2 chips ahoy cream filled chocolate chip cookies
• sauted mushrooms (about 1/2 a cup) with butter & garlic (about 2 Tbs together)
• a small plate of cucumber slices (maybe a 1/4 cup) with salt and pepper
• a root beer (about 1 cup) float (ice cream: about 1/3 cup) with chocolate sauce (about 2 Tbs)
For dinner my husband was nice enough to make some vegetables
• mashed potatoes & gravy
• broccoli with peanut butter sauce (I've eaten a few pieces) and
• corn with salt & pepper (I ate a few fork fulls)
but I think I ruined dinner with (about 1Tbs) nutella mixed with peanut butter.  ... Then I got nauseous again, and the smell of food was repulsive.
(Hours later I've almost finished the broccoli)
(I'm sorry loving, wonderful Hubby, I do love it when you make me dinner though!)  <3

Tomorrow: August 7th

I am so excited!!!!  I have my first doctor appointment tomorrow!  Just happens to be on my birthday.  I'm very excited for tomorrow, maybe it will finally feel real to me after the appointment.  Not just really bad PMS to a never coming period.  I've had some really bad side cramps, all of a sudden a splitting pain stabbing across my left side.  Then the usual lower abdomen uncomfortableness almost full on cramps.

Oh, then there's the hot cold flashes!  Ugh, I thought that wasn't supposed to happen till menopause.  Is that normal for pregnancies?

I'm horrible.  I torture myself: I was reading some posts about miscarriages. I'm terrified!  If something goes wrong, if everything is normal.  Gah, my mind spins around this at least once a day.  I can't wait to talk to  doctor and have regular check ups to look forward to.  I've had no signs, or reasons to worry about a miscarriage.  No bleeding, not even spotting.  I shouldn't worry myself over this.

Last Thought

On a semi-happier note: I really want a baby shower!  This wouldn't happen till much later in my pregnancy obviously.  But...   Okay, here's the problem: I just moved across the country (just being a year ago come October,) the point is I don't have too many close friends that I would invite to that sort of thing, nor would I know where to begin to throw my own baby shower.

I don't think I'm going to get a baby shower.  I guess it's not mandatory to have a baby shower in order to have a baby.  Right?  Who would throw one for me?  Who would come?  Meh.

Plus a Little TMI
(Seriously, don't read any more unless you want to hear some personal information about me.)

My boobs are soooooo tender and this morning I woke up to red spots around my nipples.  Is that normal?  I don't know what the spots are from or why they showed up...  Lately blood veins have been showing through my skin in my breasts, doesn't really make me feel sexy.  I enjoy sex.  My sex life is awesome.  Hubby is amazing (only to brag a little bit.)  However, I haven't wanted sex since I found out I was pregos.  I haven't felt up to it, or into it.  When (again, I'm in the TMI part of the post) he penetrates me it feels like he hits my cervix every time.  We've tried different positions, but it still feels like every single time he enters me he reaches my cervix and it causes cramps in my lower abdomen.  Not to mention how much making love shakes my stomach up and jiggles my boobs.  Nausea and tender breasts don't make me want to do anything in bed.  The most comfortable position we've found is doggy with two fluffy pillows for me to hug so nothing gets too shaken and he can't reach as deep.

I know, TMI. I warned you!  You didn't have to read that part!

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