Sunday, September 21, 2014

Just me...

I'm having mixed feelings tonight, and getting more emotional the sleepier I get.

I'm excited for tomorrow!  Monday marks 14 weeks into pregnancy and I'm officially into the second trimester!!!  It's also a day off.  It's been a busy last few days. Though we had today off as well, it feels like just a warm up to a much needed break.

I feel like my belly is huge already.  I feel fat and lazy. Yesterday hubby told me I look pregnant. First time this whole pregnancy through all the symptoms, now I am looking the part I guess. It doesn't help that I made brownies and cookie dough (and haven't stopped munching on them) then we also got left over cake from the wedding yesterday!   I want nothing but junk now.

Meh. I've lost or deleted a bunch of "friends" off of my social media lately.  Which makes me feel kinda crappy and I miss some of them.  However, I've expressed a few of my ... opinions ... that are not widely held in this society.  Which I find absurd and now want to do something about.  If they don't like it they are welcome to delete me.  I'm not going to change my mind on these things that I've done research on and  really put some thought into unless you have some damning evidence that can prove all my research wrong.   (Which you will be hard pressed to find.)  Do it.  I dare you.  Go do the research and really look for the answers and I'm pretty sure you'll end up on the side I'm now standing on (the only exception being that you do all your research on very biased sites/ articles.)

Look, be mad at me if you want.  If you don't like the things I post I have two options for you
1: un-follow me!  You don't want to see my stuff then set up your social site so you don't see it.
2: freakin' un-friend me.  If you really disagree with everything I'm posting and you have an issue with what I'm putting on my social media then there is no reason for you to simply press a button that removes me from your social media.
I even thought of a third option for you just now (I like this one the best, I vote this one!)
3: If you disagree with something I post- SAY SOMETHING!!!  Let's have a conversation about it.  Maybe I can win you over to see it my way, or maybe you can teach me to see it your way.

Most of the things I post I've posted because I want to share it with family & friends across the country, it's interesting to me and I might want to find it later, or I want to make conversation about a topic and see what other people think.

People frustrate me.  Seriously: If you have a problem with the things I post - do something about it.

Friday, September 19, 2014


Day after the four car collision.

I had a doctor appointment scheduled months before this happened and it just happened to land on a day after a car wreck.  When we got into the patient room with the nurse one of the first things that came out of Hubby's and my mouth was: we were in a car accident yesterday and I need a complete check over.  Which the doctor kindly did. As an added bonus she let us listen to the baby's heart beat -baby also kicked, which was audible! Over all everything was okay.  No injuries, baby sounded fine and healthy, all my questions were answered, and an appointment was made for a 17 week check up.  (I'm at 13 weeks and 4 days now.)
After hubby submitted the insurance claim online we got a call from the insurance company.  We gave her our story and she told us that she's just waiting to hear from person 1 who has the same insurance company so that we can move toward fixing our bumper!

I really hope that person 1 wasn't injured too badly, and I feel real bad for person 2 who's car was sandwiched hard, maybe totaled.  Person 2 had mentioned that she had only got the car a year ago and it was her baby.  It was certainly not drive-able after that collision though.  Person 3 just had his bumper smashed, but both of them have to wait for paperwork before anything with their car gets paid for.

I got the impression that person 2 (who I mentioned works at a law firm) was going to take this to court.  Which brought up talk of being subpoenaed, I really don't like the idea of going to court.


Woke up late in the day.  Nothing unusual about that being as Hubby and I stay up till early in the morning.  We got up and got ready for the photo shoot we had scheduled that evening and we were in contact with some people, trying to make plans for the night.

The shoot was fun.  It was a business party.  They had the entry way set up with a red carpet, nice stanchions with red velvet ropes, and a banner with all of their client company logos printed on it so it looked like a Hollywood Red Carpet party.  We got a picture of all the "stars" coming in and later on brought in our photo booth props to take some fun photos.  It was a nice evening with good food and the party favors were hand painted chocolates that we got to partake in!

We had been messaging the people we were trying to set up plans with when we had breaks during the event.  Plans fell through.  They weren't able to join us for dinner that night so we set our navigation system to bring us home. Hubby drove as usual.

Down the road a ways we were stopped at a red light, a car or two behind the line.  Hubby and I were talking about the event that just ended, how bummed we were that our dinner plans fell through, and our busy schedule for the next few days.  That's when we heard the first crunch. I thought "That didn't sound good" and I was turning my head to look in the side mirror.  Second crunch. "Uh-oh." Hubby and I both lurched forward.  I started choking on my gasp I had tried to let out.  Hubby immediately asked if I was okay. As I shook my head yes and and cleared my throat he pulled off the road into an abandoned gas station adjacent to where the crash occurred.

I got out of the car. There was another lady that had pulled into the same parking lot.  She (the witness) stopped me as I got out of the car and told me her story. She said she was going home from church and saw this car driving erratically.  She threw her hand up and started praying that no one got hurt.  She decided that instead of stopping at the light she would turn off and into this lot.

I might have said okay, but I'm not sure if I said any thing at all.  I was focused on making sure everyone was okay after that.  I crossed the street as soon as I could and went to the passenger side of the car that was behind us (car #3.)  He (person 3) was on the phone, I think with 911 already.  He said he was okay and he was the only one on the car. So I moved to the car behind him (car #2.)  Passenger side again.  She (person 2) was very shaken up. She rolled down the window or I opened the door, can't remember which.  I asked if she was okay.  She seemed a little dazed when she looked at me, but she did  look at me and said "yeah, I think so." She was the only one in that car.

I moved to the driver side of the car that had started the collisions (car #1.)  I helped her pry open the door.  I asked if she (person 1) was okay. She was so out of it she couldn't look at me and she wasn't or couldn't say anything.  I saw that her leg was really beat up and bleeding.  She was trying to get out of the car when my hubby came up to me and said he needed me out of the road.  He wanted me over in the parking lot where I would be safer.  I said fine, but he needed to help her. I started snapping pictures on the my way across the street to the lot.

car # 1
car # 1
car #2 
car #2 
hood of car #2 and trunk of car #3
I took a couple pictures of our car while I had the chance.  There was no terrible damage, not even adequate damage to reflect how hard we lurched forward.  

Our car was #4

A little bit bent in a couple of places, the bumper looks like it came loose from the rest of the car on one side.  I didn't get a picture of the middle of the bumper where it's bent upward and the paint is cracked because I didn't notice it until there was more light.  Also the licence plate was bent in and the rear hatch has a slight wobble in it, whether that's from rubbing on part of the bent bumper or something happened to the door we can't tell.

Car #1 & #2 
Car #2 & #3
The paramedics got there pretty quickly.  I watched as they got the cars off the road.  The other victims were in the lot with me by this time.  The witness was telling her story to them.  Then I watched as they helped person 1 out of her car and brought her into the ambulance on a stretcher.

Car #3 
Car #1 & #2 
Hood of car #1 & car #2
Car #2
Car #1 and trunk of #2
Car #1 (it was gushing fluids)
Car #1 Person 1 on stretcher 
Person 1 on stretcher
Person 2 pointed out that there were no skid marks.  It didn't look like person 1 had even tried to stop, but there were no skid marks from our cars that were already stopped at the light either.

After person 1 was in the ambulance a firefighter or paramedic  was walking around between us other victims and making sure we were all okay.  We all had to sign waivers saying we weren't going to the hospital in an ambulance.  Hubby, over protective daddy, brought over another first responder to check up on me.  He checked my pulse and asked me about sharp pains then turned his words toward hubby telling him that mothers know when there's something wrong and if I say I'm okay, I'm probably okay.  

All the first responders left before the police got to the scene.  They left right after they got everyone to sign the waver and the witness left when they did.  Before the witness left she laid her hands on my stomach -without asking- hubby had told her I was prego and prayed -without asking. I was a bit uncomfortable with that to say the least, but I didn't say anything.  It probably made her feel like she was doing something helpful so I let it be.  We were left to wait for the police, calm down, and talk with each other.  

Person 2 called her husband who got there before the police.  She was heading home from work, she works at a well known local law firm.  Person 3 seemed to be a college student at a local university, he was on his way to dinner with family.  His mother came to the scene before the police did as well.  We were heading home as well, and I'm glad hubby was with me the whole time!  Hubby was telling everyone that I am pregnant.  We were all still pretty shook up.  

Someone realized that person 1's car was with ours in the lot.  They wanted to find her insurance card and check out her car for any smells while we waited for the police.  We all wanted to know what caused this chaos.  We had lights out and were looking at all the cars, amazed at the damage (or surprising lack of damage in our car's (#4) case.)  

Car #2 hood
Car #2 trunk
Car #3 trunk (not much damage to his hood that hit us)
Car #1 (the only car who's airbag deployed)
Person 3 pried open his trunk and found an open bag of chips that he said were sealed before this.  After a while of sharing his chips and getting to know each other we started to wonder what we could do, why was it taking the police so long?  When the cop (officer #1) did get to the scene he explained that there was a problem up the road that swat was involved in so he was called in from across town.  He had us all stand by our cars to get our information, insurance drivers licence, and version of what had happened.  

As officer #1 was in his car typing out the police report another cop car joined us. Officer #2 came on the scene to see if he could make any charges toward person 1.  He said that the witness was not relevant, that her story of erratic driving couldn't be used in court, but he got her information that the witness had left with person 2.  Person 3 had come forward telling officer 2 that a paramedic told him she admitted to drinking before she was driving, but that is all hear-say.  

Officer 2 asked hubby an I multiple times if we saw her in the driver seat then showed us her driver licence picture (he had searched her car I think) to confirm that was who was driving.  That was one of his last questions before he left to go to the hospital where person 1 had been taken by ambulance.  He said he was going to try and talk to her and hopefully get a blood test to see if she was intoxicated.    

When officer 1 was done with the police report he gave us all a copy and we were free to go.  I think car #2 was the only car that was un-drive-able, she had her husband there to get her home.  Person 3 said his car was drive-able but his mother seemed to want to drive him to wherever he needed to go.  Our car (#4) has been fine to drive.   We said our good byes and parted ways.

When we got home hubby had made himself a drink and I dug into cookie dough & milk. My neck and shoulders were a bit sore, and hubby was saying his shoulder that has been dislocated in the past was a bit sore.  Other than that we weren't experiencing any pain.  Then we went to sleep.  (Though the dog woke me up twice chewing on things he shouldn't, then I locked him in his crate and he barked. It wasn't the most restful sleep like I was hoping for.)

Sunday, September 14, 2014


I would love to post on here every single day!  However, I'm not that interesting and I don't always have the time to sit, think out thoughts, and record the words onto a post.  Yesterday I helped hubby with two weddings (one super early in the morning, then one going late into the night, both fun though!) then today we had a portrait session for a family that was celebrating an 80th birthday.  So much fun, but all takes time.

That being said, I am working on a particular post that will be quite lengthy (look out!  A long one is coming soon!)  I'm pulling together research to make a point about something that really bothers me.


Tomorrow is Monday. Monday marker of a new week: pregnancy week 13!  The last week of the first trimester.  My baby is now about 3 inches long (about the size of a pea pod,)  Looking more and more human everyday!  What's lovely?  Baby is urinating out the amniotic fluid that's being swallowed.

(A little TMI in here)
I feel like I'm showing more and more, "baby bulge" is in full swing.  I'm feeling it most in my boobs.  They're getting heavier and larger.  They aren't as tender as they were at first.  The tall tale sign that gave away the fact I was prego.  Now just my nipples are supper tender to the touch.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Head Pains :(

The day after we got back from NC I woke up with a headache, that has only gotten worse. I think yesterday it turned into a migraine, being sensitive to light and noise.  I'm hoping I'm getting over it soon. I'm to tears it hurts so very bad. (Though I am something of a cry baby so my tears don't mean much to me.)

I did go to the doctor's on the 2nd.  (A couple of days ago) I had to go in because the pap smear results came back abnormal. They wanted to look at my cervix for anything abnormal or potentially harmful for the baby.  I forget what the procedure was called, but the sprayed vinegar on my cervix and looked for discoloration, lesions, or abnormal growths.  No cancer! They were vague about what they saw. Basically I'm not normal but there's nothing that is concerning.  They will just want to look at my cervix again after birth.

While we were at the doctor we went over to the lab for some testing.  They took blood, the second time this pregnancy.  I cried both times.  The lady that drew my blood this time... wasn't as nice as the first one.  The first lady gave me stickers.  This lady had a heavy Russian accent that was frustrating to understand.  She was laughing at or with my hubby and me for crying.  She kept calling me a little girl.  She said that the old people don't cry little girl.  When one of her co-workers came over she said look at the little girl. She's crying. Ugh. It was so unprofessional haha.  People taking my blood, the thought of needles drawing blood out of me, the sight of my blood filling tubes, and feeling my arm goes through while its happening just makes me cry.  Not even a loud or blubbering cry, just a few quiet tears rolling down my cheek while I try not to think about it cry. Okay!?

Having been to the Dr. while this headache was in progress though makes me think that everything but my cervix is normal.  Its just painful and causing me not to do anything but lay down and wish I were sleeping.  Seriously, the only thing I've been doing since I got back from NC is laying on the couch and playing games.  If my loving husband hadn't been bringing me food and drinks and bowing down to my whines and sobs, I'd be shriveled up on the couch dying.

Monday, September 1, 2014

North Carolina

Got back from North Carolina this week! It was a fun, mostly business trip.  Hubby shot a beautiful wedding in the state university garden.  We stayed at an... inexpensive motel.  We got some interesting culture there.

It was a ten hour drive to get there, ten hours back.

We found some interesting restaurants.  A couple with notable cuisine was Mr. Wonderful's with their "sweet jesus glaze" and Bojangles with really good "bo-berry biscuits" mm mm!

A trinket found at Peach World on the way home
I slept any chance I got (and was a bit moody whenever I wasn't sleeping.)  I had never been to N. Carolina before this so it was cool to see a new state!

Before we hit the road back home we made sure to stop by a dog park to stretch and run before we were stuck in the car.  Our puppy dog was so good staying in the motel alone when we went out (except for after the wedding he chewed up my shoes.) Scared him silly but made him super happy to get home!

Peach World
"Carolina Style Salsa"